Corporate Compliance

Frederick Health's Corporate Compliance Program supports our efforts to adhere to our mission, vision, and values while helping us comply with all laws, regulations, and policies and address ethical or legal issues that may arise.

Contact Information

For concerns about the care given to you or a loved one, please contact the Service Excellence Department:

Phone: 240-566-3564


For concerns about compliance as it relates to conducting business in accordance with laws and regulations and maintaining an ethical work environment:

Phone: 1-888-742-1152

Confidential Form: Report a Corporate Compliance Concern

Corporate Compliance Program & Code of Conduct

The Compliance Program and Code of Conduct have been designed to establish a culture that promotes the prevention, detection, and resolution of instances that are not consistent with legal, ethical, or professional behavior. The Code of Conduct describes the hospital's expectations of employee conduct in carrying out their job responsibilities. This reinforces our expectation that employees do the right thing and conduct all activities ethically and professionally.

The Compliance Department is available to answer compliance concerns or address violations of the Code of Conduct and Federal, State, or local laws. To make it easier to report compliance concerns, a confidential Compliance Telephone Hotline has been established: 1-888-742-1152.

A confidential email has been created and can be accessed through an online submission form. Everyone can also report concerns directly to the Chief Compliance Officer at 240-566-3860.