How Chronic Care Management Can Help

The management of chronic illnesses has become a critical issue in today’s healthcare environment. Frederick Health Home Care would like to introduce the Chronic Care Management Program (CCMP). This program is free of charge for anyone needing to better manage their health and achieve the best quality of life possible. No age, income, or insurance requirements.

For more information, contact: Lisa Hogan RN, BSN, Chronic Care Management Program Team Leader at 240-578-2361

Our Chronic Care Management Program includes the following weekly phone calls & as needed home visits in order to:

  • A patient-centered approach that engages patients and builds relationships and trust
  • A collaborative partnership with the patient’s primary care physician and medical team that results in improved care for the patient
  • A self-management approach built on the principles of health coaching, evidence-based practice and adult education, which equips patients with the knowledge and tools needed to help manage their disease
  • The use of clinical specialists as consultants
  • Use of advanced technology that includes telemonitoring and exchange of information among providers

Our comprehensive Chronic Care Management has been in existence since 2015 and has proven to produce better health outcomes, including:

  • Decreased hospital readmissions
  • Decreased Emergency Department visits
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